Hello Bright Light!
In my previous ezine I introduced you to my new video series the High Vibe Success Keys (HVSK). I’ve found these keys to be integral for myself and my coaching clients for living life joyfully on-purpose, in flow, prosperity and contribution to the lives of others.
Let's explore and practice using these Keys together!
In the HVS Key #1, Alignment I invited you to make and maintain Soul Alignment as your highest priority every moment for the rest of your life! Once in Alignment cultivation of Unwavering Trust is what comes next.
High Vibe Success Key #2: Cultivate Unwavering Trust!!!
The intentional Cultivation of Unwavering Trust is a High Vibe way of living; a moment-by-moment practice of discernment, attuning to and trusting your intuitive knowing and then acting on it!!!
Unwavering Trust is a practice of recognizing which voice you are tuned into in any given moment. Are you tuned into only your past experiences and limiting beliefs about yourself and your capabilities? About others? About Life itself?
Or are you tuned into the direct channel to your Wisdom Source: Higher Self, Soul, God, Universe, Inner Genius or whatever words
you use to describe your source of Conscious Knowing?
And, how can you tell the difference?
Trusting is a verb, it’s an activity, a way of being that we can cultivate.
The practice of unwavering trust is a CHOICE. And it is a self-validating choice: the more we listen and act on soul knowing the more life opens to support and empower us.
Click here to watch my brief video to learn more about how you can Cultivate Unwavering Trust and the magic that can unfold in your life when you
choose and practice this High Vibe way of living.
P.S. Click on the image below to access video!