Activation Proclamation
I am the “Light”, the “Jewel” and “Color Rays” shining through.
Meditative Soul Guidance & Activation Practice
Read the instructions below or click here to listen to the recording I made for you.
Tune into a question that's important to you.
Here are some examples:
- What do I need to know about (a specific life situation or inner block) that would change everything for the better?
- What does my, “Higher Self Awareness”, want me to know right now?
- What are the next inspired action steps to take?
Take a moment to view the card image before you continue reading.
Gently shift attention from thoughts and body sensations to the silent space of “Higher Self Awareness”. Imagine yourself as the LIGHT shining into and through the JEWEL.
Breathe here.
Shine through the facets of the Jewel and polish any areas that appear or feel dim or blocking. Letting heaviness or dullness to gently lighten and brighten. Invite the full radiance of your unique Color Rays to shine through into the world even more fully and freely than ever before.
Embody Light.
Now, intuitively “tune in” and ask your question. For example: “What message does the card “Embodied Light and The Jewel of You” offer in response to my question?
Create and enter a space of even deeper receptivity. Listen. Feel. Invite wisdom’s clarity, perfect solution, healing or guidance impressions to arise in whatever way they will… images, feelings, words, emotions, body sensations.
You may want to open your hands like a cup to receive.
Receive and breathe your message deep into your body, especially into the heart area radiating love and appreciation.
Complete this meditation and embody the inspired message further by writing down what you received. If you were given an action step, take it!
Embody Light through the Jewel of You,
Georgette Star MA, D.Min
P.S I would love, love, love your input! If you could add a message into the text banner at the bottom of this card, what would it be?????