To the Coach, Healer, Counselor, and Change Agent

Published: Sat, 12/30/17

Hello Practitioner, 

Happy New Year Passage!!!

My focus for 2018 will be to continue to support you, and the Practitioners, in the Life Blessing Community with tips and tools to energize your practices as well as to introduce and share more about The SOUL STREAM METHOD for practitioners.

In order to better understand you and your practice and how I can serve you in the year to come, I would love your help by taking a brief survey!  Click HERE​​​​​​​

For everyone who takes the survey, I’m offering audio replay access to the “Coaching Mastery & Magic World Summit” as a Thank You Gift for your participation. During this summit, I interviewed 21 Master Coaches who revealed how they change lives and manifest fun and profitable businesses in a treasure trove of mentoring, tips, tools and inspiration.

To take the survey and let me know what you think, click HERE.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Georgette Star MA, D.Min