Angelic Presence

Published: Mon, 06/19/17

In this eZine:

Hello Bright Light,

In the Northern Hemisphere where I live, Summer Solstice is just around the corner (June 20th). We are almost halfway through the year!

Do you know what your “Personal Year” Number Archetype (PYNA) for 2017 is? If not, go HERE and check it out.

It’s a “5” year for me, a year of movement and change inside and out. I’ve definitely been on the move!!!

In January I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico for the New Year passage, in February the San Francisco Bay Area, and in April, Colorado. When you read these words I’ll be in the San Francisco Bay Area again and then I’m off to New York in July!

I find the synchronicity of my PYNA and what’s actually happening in my life absolutely fascinating!

How about you?

How do you relate to the energy of your PYNA for 2017? (Note: cycle influences are often subtle, but as you can see, sometimes they are much more overt like the “5” influence in mine this year.)

The energy of transformative change is showing up in my coaching, healing and teaching work with clients and students in new ways including a spectacular new online course I’m preparing. 

I’ve also had a BIG CHANGE on the INSIDE of My Being…

During the hours and hours of meditation during my 10-day silent  “Timeless Wisdom Training” meditation retreat in Colorado in April, I experienced connection with an “Angelic Presence” of such intensity that it's challenging to find language to talk about it.

“Angelic Presence’ are the closest words I can offer to point to something so far beyond human concepts and terminology…..


To read more about my encounter with an Angelic Presence and access a guided meditation, CLICK HERE


Georgette Star MA, D.Min

P.S. The photo below is a "sneak peak" screen shot of the banner for my exciting new online training, SOUL STREAM LIFE-MAP Mastery Course. An email with a link to the course description page 
will arrive in your inbox next Monday! 

A warm Welcome New Subscribers to the Life Blessing Ezine!

You have joined thousands of beautiful souls who have subscribed to this eZine over the past 15 years.

And, a hearty WELCOME, as always, to you, if you've been part of the Life Blessing community for a while!!!

My intention for staying in touch with you this way is to share:

“9 Pathways of the Soul”, a modality that you can use to more fully embody your “Soul’s Code” and potentially, help others to do so as well. It's my pleasure to offer tools, tips, resources and inspiration to support your journey of:
  • Self-Discovery
  • Self-Healing
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Inner Guidance Life Navigation
  • Conscious Life Creation
  • Life Purpose Alignment
  • ​​​​​​​Transforming the lives of others 
  • Contribution to the Creation of a Better World 
My intention is to support the fully embodiment of the potential in your “Soul’s Code” as you create an authentic, inspired, evolutionary and meaningful life!
I’d love to hear from you! Reply with your suggestions, comments, questions to
This private FB group is a gathering place where we can support each others self-care practices and miracle mindset.

It's a place where we can empower and be accountable to ourselves and each other in our commitment to daily "Self Love and Care and Dream Creation" for a lifetime of wellness and sustainable contribution. 

Join HERE and share your intention, affirmation and self care and dream catching activities for today!!! I've incorporated a visit to this page most days of the week as one of my conscious life creation activities and I'd love the opportunity to support you in this special way.  

Intentions are powerful creation seeds. Writing them down and sharing with others, magnifies the manifestation potential. Come join me in this practice.
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About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and soul-inspired lives. Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings. For more information visit our site HERE.