Mother's Day, GOD Code, Retreat Photos

Published: Sun, 05/14/17

In this eZine:

Hello Bright Light,

Mother's Day has been a special day in my life for almost six decades.... always a joyful family occasion!

Even though today is the first Mother's day my Mom is not in this world, I'm celebrating the blessing of having been her child. 

I'm celebrating YOUR mother too..... the Great Mother of all and within all. I'm celebrating Mother Earth and the Feminine Principle of Life, in all Her expressions. Oh, and I'm celebrating myself as Mother, Grandmother, and irrepressible Fairy God Mother! 

We all give birth, nurture, and care for our creations.

Everyone is a birther of dreams!!!

Happy Mother's Day to YOU 💜

Georgette Star MA, D.Min

P.S. I just realized the Meditation Retreat Adventure Photos email sent last week didn't go out to my entire community. I've included it below.


I’m back from my rigorous and wondrous 10-day meditation retreat in the Colorado Rockies and am still integrating such a tremendous experience.

Life has slowed down to a simpler more synchronistic flow and I’m experiencing an increased awareness of multi-dimensional realities within self, others, and life… more so than ever before.

The 8-hours of meditation each day were often challenging but also filled with healings, revelations, and initiation into the next level of my spiritual evolution and life contribution. More about that to come!

Check out some photos from my trip starting with one that shows the very special confirmation code on my retreat flight itinerary!!!!

With love and blessings,

Georgette Star MA, D.Min

Please Note: While I take time to work on the projects I've been inspired to move forward with, I'll be sending you this eZine bi-monthly. 

Heart Cloud 
From my personal altar that developed over the days, the high mountain rocks that came home with me. 

A warm Welcome New Subscribers to the Life Blessing Ezine!

You have joined thousands of beautiful souls who have subscribed to this eZine over the past 15 years.

And, a hearty WELCOME, as always, to you, if you've been part of the Life Blessing community for a while!!!

My intention for staying in touch with you this way is to share:

“9 Pathways of the Soul”, a modality that you can use to more fully embody your “Soul’s Code” and potentially, help others to do so as well. It's my pleasure to offer tools, tips, resources and inspiration to support your journey of:
  • Self-Discovery
  • Self-Healing
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Inner Guidance Life Navigation
  • Conscious Life Creation
  • Contribution to the Creation of a Better World
My intention is to support the fully embodiment of the potential in your “Soul’s Code” as you create an authentic, inspired, evolutionary and meaningful life!
I’d love to hear from you! Reply with your suggestions, comments, questions to
This private FB group is a gathering place where we can support each others self-care practices and miracle mindset.

It's a place where we can empower and be accountable to ourselves and each other in our commitment to daily "Self Love and Care and Dream Creation" for a lifetime of wellness and sustainable contribution. 

Join HERE and share your intention, affirmation and self care and dream catching activities for today!!! I've incorporated a visit to this page most days of the week as one of my conscious life creation activities and I'd love the opportunity to support you in this special way.  

Intentions are powerful creation seeds. Writing them down and sharing with others, magnifies the manifestation potential. Come join me in this practice.
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About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and soul-inspired lives. Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings. For more information visit our site HERE.