Grounding + LIGHT = Guidance Access & Free Creative Energy

Published: Mon, 05/01/17

Hello Bright Light, 

I wrote this email waiting for my flight to leave for a 10-day meditation retreat in Colorado. There's a good chance I'll be on the plane returning home when you read these words (Yay, technology!)

Why did I sign up for 10 days of silence?

Over the years I've come to deeply appreciate the many benefits of a meditation practice, as difficult as it is sometimes. I've witnessed my life, and the lives of hundreds of clients, change and evolve from the inside out aided by "inner work".

Among it's many benefits, meditation can be a "psychic clearing" and "availability" practice.

As one practices meditation a state of inner spaciousness can open up. This state makes it possible to resolve, clear, and integrate unprocessed energies, thoughts, and emotions from past and current life experiences. Like an energetic washing machine! 

This detox and clearing process can create even more space inside which allows one to become more consciously available to hear the subtle whisper of Higher Self wisdom. 

The healing effects of meditation can also open the gates for free flowing creative energy to pour into and through us and into our lives. 

As you can imagine, I've been meditating a lot in preparation for the retreat!!!

I've noticed that the deeper and more stable my grounding , the more potent my ability to concentrate and the higher I can rise into the "Light Shining Above" during meditation (see definition of "grounding" below).

As a way to celebrate the ability to "ground" or "put our roots down", I leave you with this youtube link to a chant by Snatam Kaur called "Standing Like A Tree" .

Sending love & light your way, 

Georgette Star MA, D.Min

P.S. No matter where I am, or what I'm doing, I'm always thinking about how I can contribute... Stay tuned in for some soul-stories from my recent meditation retreat adventures. 
“Grounding in Spiritual Practice”:

Excerpt: “Being grounded means being fully conscious and fully present in the NOW moment.....being very, very aware of what is happening to us in the present. When we are conscious and aware of our SELF and grounded in the NOW we are able to ground the love and light from our higher self. This means that no matter what is going on, we stay balanced, centered and aligned with our soul and higher self and we are able to control our reactive, knee jerk, defensive behavioral patterns of our ego and shadow consciousness.”


A warm Welcome New Subscribers to the Life Blessing Ezine!

You have joined thousands of beautiful souls who have subscribed to this eZine over the past 15 years.

And, a hearty WELCOME, as always, to you, if you've been part of the Life Blessing community for a while!!!

My intention for staying in touch with you this way is to share:

“9 Pathways of the Soul”, a modality that you can use to more fully embody your “Soul’s Code” and potentially, help others to do so as well. It's my pleasure to offer tools, tips, resources and inspiration to support your journey of:
  • Self-Discovery
  • Self-Healing
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Inner Guidance Life Navigation
  • Conscious Life Creation
  • Contribution to the Creation of a Better World
My intention is to support the fully embodiment of the potential in your “Soul’s Code” as you create an authentic, inspired, evolutionary and meaningful life!
I’d love to hear from you! Reply with your suggestions, comments, questions to
This private FB group is a gathering place where we can support each others self-care practices and miracle mindset.

It's a place where we can empower and be accountable to ourselves and each other in our commitment to daily "Self Love and Care and Dream Creation" for a lifetime of wellness and sustainable contribution. 

Join HERE and share your intention, affirmation and self care and dream catching activities for today!!! I've incorporated a visit to this page most days of the week as one of my conscious life creation activities and I'd love the opportunity to support you in this special way.  

Intentions are powerful creation seeds. Writing them down and sharing with others, magnifies the manifestation potential. Come join me in this practice.
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About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and soul-inspired lives. Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings. For more information visit our site HERE.