Practice the Art of Receiving Today

Published: Mon, 03/06/17

Hello Bright Shining Light,

Just the other day, I enjoyed the pleasure of being interviewed by my inspiring soul sister, Joni Maher, for her pod cast channel: Trust Your Sacred Feminine Flow (My interview wont’ go live until April, but feel free to check out the other wonderful women interviewed in this series).

Joni asked me to share with the audience a time when I trusted my “Sacred Feminine Flow”, and to describe what that means to me.

For me, the idea of “Sacred Feminine Flow” is one way to describe the process of listening to intuitive inner guidance (for both men and women), translating this guidance into action, which automatically enters one into the creative state of movement Joni called the “Sacred Feminine Flow".  

I call it, your "Soul Stream".

I don’t know how it is for you, but for me there are times when my soul’s voice is barely a whisper, a subtle impression to go or not go in a particular direction. Sometimes, my soul speaks loud and clear with specific instructions and in no uncertain terms!!!

But, that doesn’t mean I’m always able to act on it or take action right away.

For example, just a few days ago, I received an email from the artist Flora Bowley .Over a month ago, I’d put myself on a waiting list for her Intuitive Painting Retreat called WINDS OF CHANGE with Orly Avineri that includes yoga, writing, and even gourmet organic meals. It all sounded so wonderful!!! I had no real hope of getting in to this retreat so let it go completely. 

The email from Flora said one space had opened up and was available to the first person to make the tuition payment!

This was one of those times when my soul’s voice was very easy to hear.

She shouted, “YES, YES, YES”. Not only that, but I heard my Mom’s voice whisper in my mind, “Let me give this birthday present to you” . You may remember from earlier eZines that my Mom died several months ago! (And, my birthday is the last day of the retreat).

Even with all the "signs", do you think I immediately signed up?

No, I did not.

Instead, resistance hit with a vengeance and I was unable to pull out my credit card. Has this ever happened to you?

I paced the floor, I thought about all the reasons why this was not the right timing and a variety of other rational excuses.

And then I remembered. Turn towards the intensity of the resistance. Trust. Take a leap of faith… I’ve done so many times before.  Practice the “Feminine Art of Receiving”. Accept this GIFT.

And so, I did it!!!!! I made it through the resistance to the other side.

After tuning in more deeply, I realized my resistance was from believing is not okay for me to invest in something purely for my own happiness and well being.

How about YOU?  Is there a decision you have been “sitting with” but not really progressing towards a choice or taking action?  What do you think your resistances are about?

I remember one of my business coaches encouraging me to “make decisions fast” and now I understand why.

Sometimes it’s just too easy to get stalled and paralyzed by all the reasons “why we shouldn’t act” at the threshold of opportunity.

Then the opportunity passes... so we never have to face the discomfort.

So, if there is a place where you are holding back from making a decision here is my suggestion for you today:
  • Listen to and trust your soul’s guidance (Is it a "yes" or a "no")
  • Make your decision
  • Embrace any resistance that arises
  • Know that everything you want in on the other side this threshold
  • If need be, get help and support to process through
  • Start taking action immediately 
  • Practice the art of receiving
Trust and Flow Beautiful Soul!!!

Georgette Star MA, D.Min
Let's support each others self care practices in and miracle mindset in the Life Blessing DAILY MIRACLE Facebook group.

It's a place where we can empower and be accountable to ourselves and each other in our commitment to daily "Self Love and Care and Dream Creation" for a lifetime of wellness and sustainable contribution. 

Join HERE and share your intention, affirmation and self care and dream catching activities for today!!! I've incorporated a visit to this page most days of the week as one of my self-care and conscious life creation activities and I'd love the opportunity to support you in this special way. 
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About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and soul-inspired lives. Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings. For more information visit our site HERE.