Is it really TRUE?? + Kittens Helping!!!

Published: Mon, 10/17/16

  • LOVE NOTE + Guided Meditation Recording
  • MASTER YOUR SOUL CODE: Program Filled!!!!

Hello Bright Light,

How important is quiet inner guidance reception time to you?

I'm not complaining, but I woke up to two very rambunctious kittens roaring through the house disturbing my morning meditation and writing practice. I adore my “Little Loves”, but also really need quiet time for inner focus to connect with the Divine (see kittens helping photo below).

You may be thinking... I don't have time for that! But is that really true?

Learning to turn within, to listen deeply and hear the small still voice of your soul, to receive guidance from the pragmatic to sublime, is a practice that does take discipline but the rewards are immense.

On “Pathway of the Soul Number 7” you learn to turn away from outer focus to discover all that is within. As a "Life Purpose Archetype" it can be described as the Scientist or Mystic in you.

Another valuable Life Skill we develop on this path, is our capacity to enter state of FAITH. Faith and Trust in an outcome that we can not see, especially during times of challenge, change, or uncertainty elevates our energy and brings peace.

Just the other day, someone I know lost her job..... my first reaction was fear for her survival and then I caught myself. I shifted my state of consciousness into optimistic faith in her capacity and positive outcome for the future. I also received a clear sense of guidance about a gift to send her in the mail. 

Faith lifts our vibration into possibility. 

So, I wanted to encourage you today to find a few moments in the flow of your day or evening to turn within and say "Hello" to your Soul. 

Faith is taking the first step, even when you can’t see the whole staircase.
                                                                                                    -- Dr. Martin Luther King J

P.S. To listen to a Guided Meditation dedicated to the “Scientist & Mystic” in you. Click Here.


I'll be sharing stories from our discoveries about the "9 Pathways of the Soul" and manifestation of
our "Personal Intention Projects" over the next 6 months.

So stay tuned! 
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(Kitten Photo) "See how much we can help you write in your journal Mom!"
Let's support each others self care practices, dream manifesting and miracle mindset in the Life Blessing DAILY MIRACLE Facebook group.

It's a place where we can empower and be accountable to ourselves and each other in our commitment to daily "Self Love and Care and Dream Catching Actions" for a lifetime of wellness and sustainable contribution. 

Join HERE and share your Intention, Affirmation and Dream Catcher Activity for today!!! I've incorporated a visit to this page most days of the week as one of my self-care activities and I love it!!! 
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About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and soul-inspired lives. Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings. For more information visit our site HERE.