Ultimate Freedom

Published: Tue, 09/06/16

In This eZine:


Hello Bright Light,

Recently I was sitting in my back yard, embraced by the surrounding forest, composing on my laptop.  It was a very quiet moment, no wind, no bird song….  When suddenly, from various directions all around me, I heard an unusual and wondrous sound.

It took me awhile to realize what it was.

Apparently, several of the many trees around me had simultaneously decided it was time to let go of their cones! The percussive sounds I was hearing were the dozens of pine cones as they flew from their aerial perches and rebounded from tree branches and each other on their journey down to earth…I was hearing their gleeful thump, thump, thump….

For me, this was a metaphor sound for freedom!

I was struck by the trees’ ability to simply let go of their creations and move into action (in a tree kind of way) when the time was right. They didn’t hold on a moment longer in an attempt to control the outcome, afraid of change, worried that their seeds might fail to sprout, or some other terrible thing might happen like we humans sometimes do.  
In my mind, during that magical moment, the trees were demonstrating the expression of Life Purpose regardless of whatever emotion, including fear, might get in the way of the natural order and movement into the adventure of life.

According to 5th Pathway of the Soul,we came to earth to evolve the human capacity to experience many kinds of freedom. This includes the deepest freedom of all, the freedom to take action during times of uncertainty, which comes through our cultivation of faith in Ourselves, our Purpose, the Universe, the Divine! 

TRUST & FAITH give us freedom to move out of the known into the adventure of Life.

So, go out today and share your creative seeds (energy, ideas, projects, products, services, messages) with the world and practice cultivating faith that the Universe will carry you. Believe and trust that you will make it to the other side of your journey, no matter how hard that is to trust at certain moments.

Is there something you want to transform in yourself or create in your life but have been holding back?

I'd like to help with a complimentary "Take A Leap Session" for the first 5 people who respond to this email. During the session we will clarify your vision, what's holding you back and get your creative energy moving into a next step action plan. All you have to do to is reply to this email with the words "Take A Leap" in the subject line and be one of the first five. 

You are already AMAZING so let your light shine out!

Georgette Star MA, D.Min



Over the past several months, I've been sharing a series of blog posts dedicated to the “9 Pathways of the Soul”, each of which provide essential Life Mastery Keys. 

Last week I offered recordings for the Introduction to the 9 Pathways If you didn't have a chance to listen to the first part of the guided journey and would like to, you can access here:
  • Introduction to the 9 Pathways of the Soul Click HERE.
  • If you missed last week's recording for Number 4 Click Here
To listen to Pathway of the Soul Number 5 guided journey, Click HERE... the journey begins when you are already at the door of the "Temple of the 9 Pathways" and about to enter..... 

The Life Blessing DAILY MIRACLE Facebook Group is a gathering place where we can support and be accountable to ourselves and each other in our commitment to daily "Self Love and Care" and cultivation of a Miracle Mindset for a lifetime of wellness, inspired living and sustainable contribution. 

Join HERE and share your intention, affirmation and self-care activity for today!!! I've incorporated a visit to this page most days of the week as one of my self-care activities and I love it!!! 

About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and soul-inspired lives. Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings. For more information visit our site HERE.