Published: Mon, 07/11/16

Hello Bright Light,   

Last week I gave you free access to my “Core Jewel Calculator” and the “9 Pathways of the Soul Article Series” so you could tune into and explore the four “Core Jewel Number Archetypes” that represent your:
  1. Life Purpose
  2. Soul Fulfillment
  3. Conscious Self
  4. Greatest Natural Ability
I woke up one morning recently with a clear intuitive nudge to provide a guided meditation “practice” audio designed help you ALIGN with and ACTIVATE your “Core Jewel Number Archetypes”.

I also want to offer some information about the “Master Numbers, 11 and 22”, as they are not yet included in the “9 Pathways of the Soul Article Series”.


The more deeply you embody your “Core Jewel Number Archetypes”, the more powerfully your unique combination of gifts and powers will influence and express in your daily life.

Once you learn this alignment and activation process, I suggest that you practice every morning before heading out into your day or anytime you feel disconnected from yourself or sense of purpose. The audio is about 4 minutes long. Once you know it, the practice can take as little or as much time as you feel called to give it.

It will help you sync up with your “Core Jewel” and enter a state of conscious alignment with soul guidance, motivation, inner strength for navigating challenges, and discernment for choice making throughout your day.

The recording is available to download and is about 4 minutes long.


In general, “Master Numbers”, such as 11 and 22, represent “Big Mission” potential for expression and manifestation.

Having “Master Number” Energy can feel like being plugged in and running a voltage of energy that is more intense than others may be experiencing. Grounding is very important! To be grounded means that your focus of awareness is in the present, includes awareness of your body and a sense of connection with the earth.

When you are grounded, if you have Master Numbers in your Core Jewel, Mastery Potential becomes accessible. The lower number is a resting, grounding, and restorative function.

Master Number 2-11:

The Peace Maker (2) & Master Teacher and Messenger (11): All the values and capacities found in the “2” are included in Master Number 11. Eleven is considered to be the archetype of the Master Teacher or Messenger, here to uplift and inspire others as a conduit for information and energy.

Master Number 4-22:

The Builder (4) & Master Builder (22): All the values and capacities found in the “4” are included in the Master Number 22. Twenty-two is considered the archetype of the Master Builder, with that capacity to expand out to the global/big picture and translate visions and dreams into practical reality on large scale.

To review "2" and "4" Click Here

Love and blessings,

Georgette Star MA, D. Min

P.S. It's still not too late to sign up to the "Woman Unleashed On-Line Retreat" and gain access to recording replays of the mini-workshops. They will be available through July 31st. Click here to join.  

The art below was created by a "Woman Unleashed Retreat" participant, inspired by one of the Numbers she discovered in her "Core Jewel", the "Number 3: Path of Creative Self Expression"!
About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and soul-inspired lives. Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings. For more information visit our site HERE.