I Can. I Will. I AM.

Published: Mon, 02/08/16

In Today's eZine:

Hello Bright Light,

I’ve engaged in a practice that I call my “daily miracle” and invite you to join me!

Daily miracles include specific activities that empower one’s ability to more easily manifest desires into reality.

My current “daily miracle” includes an hour of meditation and 30 minutes of movement, usually walking, every day for the next six months!!!!

I chose to make this commitment to create a consistent habit of self-care and prove to myself that I will show up for myself no matter what as I expand my capacity to contribute to others, which has been a life long battle.

It’s been about two weeks so far. Have I been perfect in accomplishing my daily miracle? No, but it’s getting so much easier to get up that extra hour earlier and to fit that walk in somehow. I’m becoming much more consistent and it feels GOOD.

I call the practice a “daily miracle” because it feels like a miracle every time I sit down to meditate and stay with it for an hour or untangle my focus from work and get out the door for a walk when I have so much to do.

What would a “daily miracle” look like for you?

It could be something very simple such as 5 minutes of deep breathing before sleep.

Would you like me to energetically support you in establishing a daily miracle practice? If so, respond to this email with MIRACLE in the subject line and let me know what activity or activities you are committing to and I will hold that vision with and for you (I read every email).

Today’s blog post will be the first in a series on the “9 Pathways Of The  Soul” represented by the numbers 1-9 beginning with the “Pathway 1”.

I call upon the energy of the 1 archetype, which is all about being true to self, every time I begin one of my daily miracle activities to help me get through my resistance!

If you want to connect more deeply with your uniqueness, strength, courage, leadership and ability to take action read on!!!
There are 9 fundamental pathways of human-soul development that can be symbolized by the numbers one through nine. Each number represents a universal human archetype and a pathway that includes a vast spectrum of capacities, abilities and skills. Each person has a unique combination of these archetypal energies that I call the Soul-Code.

It can be very helpful to understand these pathways and one's unique Soul-Code for living on-purpose and for navigating and thriving in every day life.

This article is the first in a series exploring the 9 Pathways beginning with Pathway"1", and emphasizing the implications for a person's Life Purpose.

I'm excited to share with you what came to me in meditation about how to access the human capacity to thine own self be true... through discovering "1" in your physical body!

At the end of the post I offer a practice to activate and strengthen the power of "1" that you can learn to activate at will!!!! I've been practicing all week and it has been incredibly helpful in situations where I need to be strong!!!  
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Georgette Star
Oceans of blessings, 

Georgette Star MA, D.Min

About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and soul-inspired lives. Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings. For more information visit our site HERE.