For Coaches & Holistic Practitioners Only: A Shooting Star!

Published: Mon, 01/04/16

Hello Bright Light,

This New Years Eve I spent hours looking up into the heavens. Right around midnight, I saw a brilliant shooting star. Right then and there I decided that my 2016 would be the year of the shooting star. I plan to use this symbol as a reminder to keep my eyes open for bright opportunities, both big and small, to create the life I want to live and to help others do the same.

If you are a Transformational Coach, Holistic Practitioner, or Consultant who works with individuals or groups, I’m reaching out with a very special and time sensitive opportunity for just the right person ready to expand personal and professional fulfilment and success.

The SOUL-STREAM: Life Map & Mastery Pilot Program
 Is About To Begin

After more than two decades of evolution and refinement in my private practice, I’m about to begin teaching the SOUL-STREAM: LIFE MAP Consultation Method that has been so transformational for my clients and deeply fulfilling (and FUN) for me!  

The Training has two tracks:

Track 1 will provide an extraordinary opportunity for you to experience a personal transformation and life change of your design, inspired and supported by a powerful group of colleagues in a very focused way.

Track 2 will provide the exclusive opportunity to learn and be certified to conduct SOUL-STREAM: LIFE MAP Consultations for your clients, a new modality and income stream to add to your existing tool kit and services.

We will begin our journey together January 18th. Although this is not a sales page, for a more complete description of program details and logistics Click HERE. 

Because this is a Pilot program, I want to keep it small, intimate, highly collaborative and participatory. I've opened up two spaces to complete our circle. 

I can’t begin to express the delight and transformative empowerment and potency I sense will evolve for each of the program participants, including myself!!!

If you are curious and would like to learn more about this opportunity, reply to this email with SOUL-STREAM in the subject line and I will get back to you within 24 hours. 

Georgette Star MA, D.Min
What Tracey Has To Say......
I experienced my first Soul-Stream Life Map Consultation with Georgette in 2002!!! What I learned about myself was deeply personal and profoundly moving. It stirred me up inside in an exciting new way. She shared things I knew were true about myself, but could never find words to express.

I was surprised and shocked at the accuracy of what my Soul-Stream Life Map revealed. Every word rang true and opened my heart and mind to new ideas about how to navigate my life day to day as well as build a future that was satisfying on a soul level. 

This knowledge continues to assist my understanding of the patterns that challenge me on a daily basis, and to feel the joy when I allow myself to nurture the parts of myself that feel most alive.

I have since made significant changes that have enhanced my life dramatically. I have one example that comes to mind: before my Soul-Stream Life Map reading I had a job that took a significant amount of my time, energy, focus and life.

Once I learned that my soul deeply desires change and that I love my freedom, I figured out how to move out of that job to one that supports freedom in my schedule, more flexibility and opportunity for change in the way that I seek and love. These changes brought about more spaciousness and peace into my every day experience.

Not only have I benefited from learning about my own Soul-Stream Life Map, but over the years I have been invited by several friends and family, including my husband, to sit in on and witness their Soul-Map consultations with Georgette.

This has been so very helpful in understanding these loved ones and how to best relate to them in a way that is meaningful and understanding of their unique soul blueprint.

I have experienced many additional personal readings with Georgette and I continue to be blown away by the individual personal accuracy revealed each time.

I am a believer in this modality and will always use it in my life as a guide to my happiness.

I am thrilled that Georgette is now offering a Certification Training component of the Soul-Stream Life Map Program. I am looking forward to being a student in this upcoming program of this ancient wisdom and knowledge.

Tracey Heartsun 
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
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About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and soul-inspired lives. Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings. For more information visit our site HERE.