Published: Mon, 12/28/15

Hello Bright Light,

Here we are in the final days of 2015 at last!!!

We can all participate in the creation of the better, brighter future we want to experience by consciously choosing it! Conscious choices include connecting with the Source of our creative power and setting the intention for change.
As you call in your New Year vision and intentions, I invite you to join me in a simple but profound “Calling In The Future” practice to catalyze the manifestation process for what you most deeply desire to experience in the year to come.
  • Begin by courageously facing and acknowledging the aspects of yourself and your life that are not where you want them to be. Select your New Year creation focus by choosing one or two main areas where you are most unhappy or unfulfilled.
  • If this resonates, ask for the LIGHT of Higher Consciousness to partner with you develop, heal, transform, elevate, evolve, and guide you to take the actions necessary to manifest what you want in these areas as your highest priority intentions throughout the year to come. 
  • Perhaps you would enjoy making your “Calling In The Future” prayer request and intentions more embodied through writing or art, or other creative expressions as a way to connect with the motivation of your desire for change more fully. As an example, see my story below about my Year Long Painting! 
  • Once you have formulated your request, release your prayer by energetically offering it up into the sky, like a bird flying directly into the heart of the Divine or dropping like a seed into the center of your own heart. Or, in whatever way feels most true and sacred to you.
It is also powerful to simply acknowledge yourself as a conscious creator and set your intentions. Resolve to do your part to manifest these changes you desire through daily actions. And finally, find or create a structure to help hold yourself accountable!!!! This last suggestion is perhaps one of the most important of all.

If you would enjoy the support of a guided meditation for your "Calling In The Future" practice, I recommend listening to that guided meditation in the Winter Solstice Ceremony replay found below.

Here's to our brightest futures!!!!

Happy New Year Passage,

Georgette Star MA, D.Min


I began my Intentional Creativity painting project in January 2015 with the intention to work on it for an entire year. At long last, in the energy of the full moon on Christmas day, I completed my painting! What a journey it has been, the painting and the year!

For each month of 2015 I had a new question to contemplate. I would work on a layer of painting in response to that month’s inquiry. Once I completed that painting layer, I would sit down with my journal and ask the painting to “speak to me”. TO READ MORE, Click HERE.


A Virtual Winter Solstice ENLIGHTENMENT Ceremony

I've received many requests for the replay recording of this deep and soul-nurturing event. I am more than thrilled to share it with you!  

You will find the guided mediation about half way into the recording. It is just as relevant for your New Year preparations as it was for Solstice and I highly recommend it!  The slides are included for your veiwing pleasure. :)

During This Event You Will...
  •  Expand out to the Big Picture and Perspective as we take a “Cosmic Walk” through a re-telling of the Universe Story!!!!
  • Relax inward, Pause and Meditate together in the velvety darkness of the longest night for renewal and to make space within for an illumination of new possibilities.
  •  Acknowledge the blessings and the challenges that have come to pass.
  • Acknowledge yourself and your 2015 journey with gratitude and, for some of us, with great relief to be moving on!
  • Practice the Art of "Conscious Closure" and leave the residuals of 2015 behind and consciously take forward wisdom gained.
  • Set intention to transform your current challenges into the energy of new possibilities for the year ahead and to experience new unfolding of your Life Purpose.
  • Receive a blessing as you step into your FUTURE from a state of grace, confidence, truth and power.
About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette Star creates and navigates her life by soul guidance. Her quest is to explore the deeper meanings of Self and Life and to inspire and guide others in this awakening. A gentle but potent catalyst for soul connection, Georgette also has a special calling to empower the feminine in order to contribute to the creation of a more balanced world. As Founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE, a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and inspired lives, Georgette offers programs of inspiration and conscious evolution for individuals and groups! Learn MORE!! CLICK HERE