Step Into YOUR FUTURE With Confidence, Grace, Truth. and Power!

Published: Mon, 12/07/15

Hello Bright Light,

This sacred season each year is filled with festivals, bright lights, and celebrations. Year’s end also includes Winter Solstice, when the light promises to return to the world!

It has been my tradition for many years to gather with friends and family and usher in these many events….light, gratitude, joy, introspection, and of course, a consideration of the many potentials for the coming New Year!

I've discovered that honoring and releasing the energies of the passing year and opening to new possibilities, within an amplified field of a group intention, is SO much more powerful than doing this process alone....especially on such an historically and cosmically aligned day!

This year, for the first time ever, I will host a gathering to clear the way and open to divine inspiration for the New Year with my “On-Line Community”, and I’m really excited to share it with you. Please join me for:

A Virtual Winter Solstice ENLIGHTMENT Ceremony"


The invitation is coming to you early in the month so you have time to tune in and prepare yourself for the greatest potency of effect!

 Held Within The Amplified Field Of Our Collective Focused Intention, Support, & Wisdom, We Will....
  •  Expand out to the Big Picture and Perspective as we take a “Cosmic Walk” through my re-telling of the Universe Story!!!!
  • Relax inward and Meditate together in the velvety darkness of the longest night for renewal and to make space within for an illumination of new possibilities.
  •  Acknowledge the blessings and the challenges that have come to pass.
  • Acknowledge yourself and your 2015 journey with gratitude and often with relief to be moving on!
  • Disocover the Art of "Conscious Closure" and leave the residuals of 2015 behind and consciously take forward wisdom gained.
  • Set intention to transform your current challenges into the energy of new possibilities for the year ahead and to experience new unfolding of your Life Purpose.
  • Receive a blessing as you step into your FUTURE from a state of grace, confidence, truth and power!

A Virtual Winter Solstice ENLIGHTENMENT Ceremony

December 21st 2015 at 6pm Pacific Time  

Can't Join Us On-line? 
Just use the following dial in information to listen in.

Guest pin code: 585409# 
Primary dial in number: (503) 205-8988 
Secondary dial in number: (323) 476-3997 
Full list of dial in Numbers: 

You don’t have to register for this, just show up!
I will send a reminder one hour before.

Feel free to invite your friends and family!

Hope to “see” you there!

In order to better understand the challenges and possibilities that members of this community are facing as we all prepare for the “Letting Go” part of the Solstice ceremony, I conducted a recent on-line survey in last week’s eZine. Here are the distilled results described by survey participants that we will take into the transformational heart of our ritual!

Survey Question: What is the greatest challenge, and thus perhaps the greatest potential possibility, you are facing as 2015 transitions into 2016?

Challenges To Transform:
  • Difficulty maintaining self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Critical self-judgments about failure to accomplish our inner or outer goals for this year.
  • Difficulties and suffering within our most important relationships 
  • Fear of not having enough money, abundance in any area of our lives.
  • Resistance to the creative work we most want to do.
  • Fear about health challenges.
  • Fear of repeating the same patterns and getting the same results in 2016.
  • Fear of the unknown, unable to move forward.
Potentials to Realize:
  • Center identity in Higher Self radiance, perspective and possibility.
  • Transform any energy from a mind-set of “failure” into positive self-empowerment and accomplishment.

  • Root our consciousness in the energies of prosperity and abundance.

  • Develop ability to relax into an easy flow of expression inspiration, and choice in our creative projects.
  • Focus on attainment of optimal wellness, health, and mindfulness.

  • Evolve our inner sense of courage, strength and soul-empowered confidence to take ACTION.
To prepare to participate in the Winter Solstice Ceremony, I invite you to be thinking about the one current challenge that you most deeply desire to transform in the New Year. 

Honoring the darkness and the light!!!

With love and blessings, 

Georgette Star MA, D.Min

P.S. Many thanks to those who filled out the survey!!!! 
With Love & Blessings,
Georgette Star MA, D.Min
About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette Star creates and navigates her life by soul guidance. Her quest is to explore the deeper meanings of Self and Life and to inspire and guide others in this awakening. A gentle but potent catalyst for soul connection, Georgette also has a special calling to empower the feminine in order to contribute to the creation of a more balanced world.

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE, a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and inspired lives.  Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings (

Her on-line Summits, "Radiant Moms' & Girls' Revolution”, "Every Woman's Mystical Treasure Chest", and “COACHING MASTERY MAGIC World Summit”, have inspired thousands of people in more than 64 countries to live soul-connected lives.

As a practicing Soul Connection Coach & Mentor for more than two decades, Georgette works with extraordinary spiritually awake women and men who know they are here to contribute to the creation of a better world.

Her clients include individuals, groups, and organizations, and she enables them to transform energies into renewed creativity, manifestation, and restored connection with self, others, and life. Her work with others helps them make and maintain SOUL CONNECTION, and then consciously heal, evolve, and create fulfilling, purpose-driven lives in both their personal and business endeavors.

Georgette delights in being a mother and grandmother! She enjoys a rich life with her soul mate in their Northwest forest home. Her mother, affectionately called 'Mother Love' by all her friends, is 86 and lives nearby. Georgette holds an MA from the Naropa Institute and a Doctorate of Ministry from the University of Creation Spirituality.

These are but a few of her greatest and many Life Blessings.