Illumination of Possibility: An Invitation

Published: Mon, 11/30/15

In Today's eZine:
  • AN ILLUMINATION OF POSSIBILITY: A Winter Solstice Gathering 
  • HOW CAN I HELP YOU???: A One-Question Survey


Hello Bright Light,

For all of us around the globe, the month of December is celebrated as the “New Year Gateway”. Mother Earth is a great role model for turning our energies within for change of season introspection. Attunement to the natural world supports our desire and NEED to align with the Cosmos in a way that supports reflection and an intentional re-set for a new cycle of life to begin.

Do you feel, like I do, a yearning to turn within to prepare for the “New Year Gateway”, to make a conscious transition from a state of spacious openness, alignment with soul wisdom and guidance?

It’s been my personal life-long practice to gather with community on Winter Solstice, December 21st. During this time together we symbolically release the year that has ended and create a spacious openness in our hearts and minds to new possibilities for the New Year coming.

I like to do this clearing out ceremony at Winter Solstice because... it is literally the shortest day of the year with the least amount of light and every day afterwards there is more light!!! In comparison to a day in the calendar year, this feels more like a real ending and new beginning to me.

And, I enjoy celebrating on New Year's eve too!!!

What if the clearing, release, and clarity for moving forward that you desire is all accessable to you, but you havn't had the space to ask the questions or the support to ground the answers? 

Claiming space and time to turn within duirng all the extra holiday activities can be extra challenging. This is why I've created a special opportunity for you. 

To energize our collective conscious preparation for and passage through "The New Year Gateway”, I’m inviting you to join me for:

A Virtual Winter Solstice Gathering

So, mark your calendar for Monday, December 21st at 6pm Pacific Time and keep your eye on your inbox for more details in next Monday's ezine. 

In the meantime, you can help me to design this ritual in the most powerful way, by filing out the one-quesiton survey below. 

In order to design the ILLUMINATION OF POSSIBILITY Webinar, and to better serve the needs of my beautiful community during the New Year transition, I would love your input: What is the greatest challenge, and thus perhaps the greatest potential possibility, you are facing as 2015 transitions into 2016. This  survey is completely confidential and please know that when I read your challenge, that I will hold a visiono of it as already resolved!!!

With Love & Blessings,
Georgette Star MA, D.Min
About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette Star creates and navigates her life by soul guidance. Her quest is to explore the deeper meanings of Self and Life and to inspire and guide others in this awakening. A gentle but potent catalyst for soul connection, Georgette also has a special calling to empower the feminine in order to contribute to the creation of a more balanced world.

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE, a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and inspired lives.  Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings (

Her on-line Summits, "Radiant Moms' & Girls' Revolution”, "Every Woman's Mystical Treasure Chest", and “COACHING MASTERY MAGIC World Summit”, have inspired thousands of people in more than 64 countries to live soul-connected lives.

As a practicing Soul Connection Coach & Mentor for more than two decades, Georgette works with extraordinary spiritually awake women and men who know they are here to contribute to the creation of a better world.

Her clients include individuals, groups, and organizations, and she enables them to transform energies into renewed creativity, manifestation, and restored connection with self, others, and life. Her work with others helps them make and maintain SOUL CONNECTION, and then consciously heal, evolve, and create fulfilling, purpose-driven lives in both their personal and business endeavors.

Georgette delights in being a mother and grandmother! She enjoys a rich life with her soul mate in their Northwest forest home. Her mother, affectionately called 'Mother Love' by all her friends, is 86 and lives nearby. Georgette holds an MA from the Naropa Institute and a Doctorate of Ministry from the University of Creation Spirituality.

These are but a few of her greatest and many Life Blessings.