What I believe about YOU!

Published: Mon, 11/16/15


Dear Brilliant Soul!

Writing the LBI Monday eZine is a dedicated spiritual practice of mine, one that I’ve maintained for most of the past couple of years.  As you can imagine, Mondays roll around very quickly!
Sometimes, when I sit down to write, all I hear is silence and nothing flows, like earlier today. At such moments I pray and ask for help from my Higher Self to inspire me, which I did in that moment… but still nothing.
Does this ever happen to you? You ask for Divine intervention and nothing seems to happen?
I also reached out to a friend, Michele, who suggested that I tune into the upcoming (USA) Thanksgiving holiday and our essential human capacity for gratitude. This inspired me to let go of “trying to write” and instead feel into my heart to explore what gratitude means to me.
Which brought me back to YOU.
Even if we have yet to meet in person, I feel grateful that we have connected somehow and that you are reading this now. I am excited for this opportunity to share what I believe about you, why we are here on the planet and why that matters so much.
Hours later the Divine answered my prayer about what to write by guiding me to look into a folder in my computer where I discovered something I had written months ago and “forgotten" about.
Reaching out for help and opening my heart to gratitude made all the difference in my day today.  How might your day unfold differently if you were to reach out for help and open your heart in gratitude?
In Light!

Georgette Star MA, D.Min

Life is a Gift, the Original Blessing, and YOU are Life's Blessing.

There is no one else like you. The Universe rejoices in your unique presence, and is Supremely grateful EVERY day that you exist. Without you, the Universe would be incomplete.
You are here to experience everything it means to be a spark of Light in human form.

The more you Fall in Love with your Soul AND your Humanity, the more your life will become a miraculous flow.

Prioritizing your relationship with Soul and the Universe creates an alignment that will place everyone and everything else into perspective. To read more click HERE.

About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette Star creates and navigates her life by soul guidance. Her quest is to explore the deeper meanings of Self and Life and to inspire and guide others in this awakening. A gentle but potent catalyst for soul connection, Georgette also has a special calling to empower the feminine in order to contribute to the creation of a more balanced world.

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE, a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and inspired lives.  Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings (georgette@lifeblessing.com).

Her on-line Summits, "Radiant Moms' & Girls' Revolution”, "Every Woman's Mystical Treasure Chest", and “COACHING MASTERY MAGIC World Summit”, have inspired thousands of people in more than 64 countries to live soul-connected lives.

As a practicing Soul Connection Coach & Mentor for more than two decades, Georgette works with extraordinary spiritually awake women and men who know they are here to contribute to the creation of a better world.

Her clients include individuals, groups, and organizations, and she enables them to transform energies into renewed creativity, manifestation, and restored connection with self, others, and life. Her work with others helps them make and maintain SOUL CONNECTION, and then consciously heal, evolve, and create fulfilling, purpose-driven lives in both their personal and business endeavors.

Georgette delights in being a mother and grandmother! She enjoys a rich life with her soul mate in their Northwest forest home. Her mother, affectionately called 'Mother Love' by all her friends, is 86 and lives nearby. Georgette holds an MA from the Naropa Institute and a Doctorate of Ministry from the University of Creation Spirituality.

These are but a few of her greatest and many Life Blessings.