Retreat Reflections + The"Soul Code"in Your Name + Free Webinar Sneak Peak

Published: Mon, 10/12/15

  • TIMELESS WISDOM TRAINING: Reflections, Photos, and How to Tap Into The Soul Code In Your Name
  • COACHING MASTERY MAGIC World Summit Survey Result


Hello Bright Light!

First and foremost, I'd like to extend the warmest of welcomes to the thousands of beautiful souls who are joining the Life Blessing Institute's (LBI) community as a result of the COACHING MASTERY MAGIC World Summit!

In this eZine, you will find some of my experiences from a recent training at Mount Madonna Retreat Center in Santa Cruz, California, one result from the CMM Summit Survey, and a sneak peak into the Free Webinar Training for coaches and interested others.

To our evolution,

Georgette Star MA, D.Min
TIMELESS WISDOM TRAINING: Reflections, Photos, and How to Tap Into The Soul Code In Your Name 

Can you imagine being in a room meditating with over 100 dedicated spiritual adventurers in the evolution of consciousness and culture, for an hour or more every day and evening for an entire week?

I just returned from the first week of a two year program led by Thomas Hubel called “Timeless Wisdom Training” (add link). This amazing commitment promises to be a pressure cooker of enlightenment!!!

Throughout this week, I found it incredible to witness our new and increased access to the Divine and to previously inaccessible and unresolved energy that had been interfering with or blocking our Soul connection and growth. CLICK HERE to read more about my experience and to learn a method to Tap Into Rhe Soul Code In Your Name.

Mount Madonna Retreat Temple Photos:
I discovered this statue of Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles, at the entrance to the Mount Madonna Retreat Center Temple.

The obstacles in our lives ARE the path.

For those of you who were participants in CMMWS, and interested others, please continue reading:

One of the CMM Survey questions was: If you could learn a “soul perspective” client assessment method that would allow you to identify your clients “Life Blueprint”, to what extent would knowledge in the following categories be helpful for you to know?

The category determined to be the most helpful was Life Purpose.

The other choices for this question, in order of selection, were: Life Lessons and Challenges, Natural Abilities, Soul Needs, Conscious Self.

The result of this Survey question confirms the interest I hoped to find about Life Purpose, a topic that I’m truly inspired to help others discover.
Coming Soon!

3 KEYS To Quickly
Unlock The SOUL CODE Of
 Empower CONFIDENCE & Activate
For Extraordinary
 Coaching and Life Outcomes.

Keep an eye on your inbox for an email with more information and official invitation to participate in this free training, coming soon!!!
CMMWS World Summit
Audio Collection
24 interviews with Master Coaches, Healers, and Business Mentors filled with inspiration and practical suggestions to inspire your coaching magic and business mastery. 

About Georgette Star MA, D.Min 
& The Life Blessing Institute

Georgette Star creates and navigates her life by soul guidance. Her quest is to explore the deeper meanings of Self and Life and to inspire and guide others in this awakening. A gentle but potent catalyst for soul connection, Georgette also has a special calling to empower the feminine in order to contribute to the creation of a more balanced world.

Georgette is the founder of THE LIFE BLESSING INSTITUTE, a learning community dedicated to inspiring people to live conscious and inspired lives.  Over the past 18 years, LBI has offered a variety of educational programs for both youth and adults. Examples include MAIDEN SPIRIT and PEACE-WARRIORS youth empowerment, the online program BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman, and SOUL-STREAM COACH & MENTORSHIP Programs and Trainings (

Her on-line Summits, "Radiant Moms' & Girls' Revolution”, "Every Woman's Mystical Treasure Chest", and “COACHING MASTERY MAGIC World Summit”, have inspired thousands of people in more than 64 countries to live soul-connected lives.

As a practicing Soul Connection Coach & Mentor for more than two decades, Georgette works with extraordinary spiritually awake women and men who know they are here to contribute to the creation of a better world.

Her clients include individuals, groups, and organizations, and she enables them to transform energies into renewed creativity, manifestation, and restored connection with self, others, and life. Her work with others helps them make and maintain SOUL CONNECTION, and then consciously heal, evolve, and create fulfilling, purpose-driven lives in both their personal and business endeavors.

Georgette delights in being a mother and grandmother! She enjoys a rich life with her soul mate in their Northwest forest home. Her mother, affectionately called 'Mother Love' by all her friends, is 86 and lives nearby. Georgette holds an MA from the Naropa Institute and a Doctorate of Ministry from the University of Creation Spirituality.

These are but a few of her greatest and many Life Blessings.
 Practice moment-by-moment presence
throughout your day today.

Open up and let your heart sing!