SHINE with True Beauty - Maiden Spirit Girls Music Video

Published: Mon, 07/20/15

Hello Bright Light,

I had an intuitive nudge to share something special with you today.

It’s a very special music video that was created by a group of MAIDEN SPIRIT girls. 

MAIDEN SPIRIT is one of several Life Blessing Institute programs designed specifically for youth. Girls ages 9-13 can participate in a Mentored small group over a 4-year inspired curriculum. Maiden Spirit mentors have been trained by LBI specifically for this program. If you would like to learn more MAIDEN SPIRIT click HERE.

The third year of the Maiden Spirit curriculum is entitled,"I Contribute". During this year together, each MAIDEN SPIRIT group is mentored to create a contribution project that empowers other girls in their communities.  

My “nudge” today is to share with you one example of an"I Contribute" project, a music video called: SHINE. This wonderful video is designed and produced by one of the MAIDEN SPIRIT groups that was supported by their mentor, Pamela Wirth, and is dedicated to the theme of "True Beauty".

The music in SHINE is designed as a message of empowerment to girls everywhere, even the girl within!

Although this music video was created specifically for girls, I feel the essence and energy of SHINE to be universal! You might like to replace the word "girl" with "everyone".

Open your heart, turn the volume up and sing along! 

Click and enjoy SHINE!

And may YOU shine with “True Beauty” today.

Georgette Star MA, D.Min