You are worthy of love, happiness, and a beautiful life.

Published: Mon, 07/13/15

July 13, 2015
  • Love Note 
  • You Are Worthy Of Love, Happiness, and a Beautiful Life.
  • Sneak Peak: Coaching Mastery Magic World Summit
  • Da Vinci Quote
​Hello Bright Light, 

My last Ezine was dedicated to the healing and awakening that becomes possible when we shine the light of self-love into places within that we typically avoid.

I received many emails from you in response to this message!

To further support your self-love development, I've including a link to the replay of my interview on Cole Bombino's Summit dedicated to the topic of Self Love in today's Ezine.

And, be sure to check out my next Virtual Summit project, which is an expression of my self-love in action with lots of out-of-my-comfort-zone moments!!!

Join me today and pick one doable self-love activity and make a non-negotiable decision to do it. 

Mine is a promise that every time I notice feeling tense or anxious that I will stop and find out what that part of me needs and then take action.

What's yours?

Georgette Star MA, D.Min​


Today, I’d like to give you the chance to listen in to the replay of my interview from one of the most transformational Summits on love and happiness that I was a part of this year. Listen in HERE

There is no better mission than to BE love and to spread love!

Love is the answer!


It is increasingly apparent that the electronic age has “birthed” a communication phenomenon called… The Virtual Summit! 

Interactions between international experts and audiences around the world by way of a Virtual Summit is very popular in many specialty fields. It is a rare day that I do not come across another interesting Summit advertisement as I peruse the internet. In fact, I have served as both an invited speaker and as a summit host a number of times during just this past year!

At this very moment, I am working on creating and hosting my next Virtual Summit entitled: COACHING MASTERY MAGIC WORLD SUMMIT

I've taken the plunge outside my comfort zone once again, to expand my horizon through this project!

This new series will include interviews with world-class experts in the fields of Coaching and Wellness, and is designed as a resource for coaches, holistic practitioners, and anyone interested in these career pathways. 

COACHING MASTERY MAGIC WORLD SUMMIT will launch September 8th, 2015. It’s a Free offering that will include interviews of approximately 25 experts in the coaching specialty, and it is anticipated that it will reach a wide audience.

Would you like a sneak peek? 

You can check it out HERE and be an early bird sign up if it resonates. Over the next few weeks, I will send you more information about this summit and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have related to the summit, its schedule, and registration.
 Da Vinci Quote
 Photo by Jennifer Alyss