MAGIC happens here

Published: Mon, 07/06/15

Hello Bright Light, 

When you shift out of autopilot and become fully Present, you can consciously choose where and how to focus your energy and attention. 

This is where MAGIC happens!!!  

In a state of Presence, you gain greater access to your core intelligence and ability to direct creative energy into the actions that will move you towards your hearts desires. 

For me, moving through the day in a soul-connected state is like going from black and white to living COLOR. It's like being in a state of complete stillness and AWE watching a glorious sunrise while simultaneously cruising down the road, sparking perfectly on all cylinders, full speed ahead!!!! 

This is Peace in a Dynamic Flow of living.

YOU know the Magic of what happens when you shift your state of consciousness from limitations of the past to possibility.

The ability to shift consciousness is an amazing human capacity for us to continue to develop and master! It is especially helpful when you are experiencing difficult life challenges…. and stormy emotions!

I'd like to share my morning prayer with you.

Morning prayers help me choose an Awake state to begin my day. If it resonates, feel free to use this prayer when you greet your day or anytime.

Morning Prayer of Awakening:

Great Spirit, Mother-Father God, Holy One
beyond all names and forms, help me receive Your Divine Love like brilliant Sunlight filling my body and being,
in all dimensions, from head to toe.
Use me as an instrument of Love and Magic
in the lives of others.
Thank you for the opportunity to
give and receive, evolve and serve.

Thank you!!!!

I recently experienced a most joyful co-creative Photo Shoot with the truly magical Jennifer Alyss in preparation for a new website. For a sneak preview of our photos taken at the Portland Rose Garden, look underneath the Divine Love Rose Affirmation Graphic I created for you directly below.

May we open our hearts to receive Divine Love in the places that need more love!!! 

Georgette Star MA, D.Min

P.S. Reply to this message with a few words about what 'magic' means to you, or simply a little "hello". I would love to hear from you!!
Sending love and light from my heart to yours!!!!